Monday 2 April 2012


Comes night, with the saddest of feel
That you from me, it would steal
I do not speak of sadness or sorrow
It is of happiness, awaiting tomorrow

Blow your scent, I shall be revived
Away from you, hard hours survived
Yet of minutes and of seconds that come
Ill keep myself busy counting some

Dreams are my only portal tonight
A moment where you're always in-sight
To make haste of cruel lost time
By God I'm guilty, love is my crime

Have you heard the echoes in the hall
Crashing the silence of the nightfall
Have you seen the crimson light
Shining from your eyes at night

It feels as if it was just tonight
Holding your breath, at the mid of night
Gazing upon your soft sweet skin
Thinking who you are, where've you been

Alas, this night I stray alone
Thinking about our next meet
At last, this heart made of stone
Will again beat, beat and beat...